Thursday, April 30, 2009

sick mom

My mom is in the hospital here in maryland.. well, Delaware to be exact, but not in Texas.
She hasn't even been here for a week, well, a week today.
She started getting very sick Monday night, spent all of Tuesday in the ER alone, came home and was still sick.
Dan and I left work yesterday around 1 and I came home and took her to the ER.. they admitted her.
They dont seem to know what is causing her to be so sick, and by so sick I mean vomiting every time she takes a drink of water or eats ice chips.
They looked at her lap band, and deflated that... that is not hte culprit as far as they can tell.
She has alot of gall stones, but her gall bladder is not inflamed, so they are not sure if that is it.
She was very dehydrated, but they have had an IV in since they took her back. She's in a gorgeous room at Christiana, and they seem to be taking good care of her, so that is a relief.
I'm gonna go back up today after Dan gets home to care for the babies.
I hope she gets better!

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