Tuesday, April 28, 2009

First day off the farm

Yesterday was the babies' first full day with Gramma Wendy and Paw-Paw. The grandparents are going to help us by watching the babies one day a week, since our childcare is getting to be so expensive.
The babies did GREAT, from what I hear. I was a nervous wreck all day, and not because I felt like the babies would not be ok.. I was worried that they would drive the grandparents crazy and they would not want to watch them anymore.
According to said grandparents, they did fantastic.. took a couple of good naps and played and ate well.
Whew... what a relief.
We are still trying to hammer out which day of the week they will take them, since our nanny is getting another job on her days off and needs to schedule.

Also, our 5K is next weekend.. I ran/walked a total of 3.3 miles at lunch today... fantastic!

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