Monday, April 27, 2009

Ahhhhh, reality

The reality of our lives is that we very rarely get 5 minutes to ourselves or 10 minutes just to sit and do nothing.

This hit us last night as we were packing up the babies' bags to spend the day at Gramma Wendy's and PawPaws house today (for the first time). Dan and I had a meltdown of sorts realizing that we are both completely out of shape and out of control when it comes to our eating habits.

Now, I would not trade our lives or our kids for anything, but there is something to be said for a bit of alone time.

From the minute we get up out of bed (and usually before if Annabelle has her way), we are completely devoted to taking care of someone... whether it is our kids, each other, or our clients at work. We never really get a chance to take care of ourselves, except for our lunch hours at work. And the last two weeks, Dan has been so busy that he has not taken a lunch break, which leads to Dan feeling a bit sad.
I told him he MUST take care of himself and make time. My time in the gym is MY time... and I would much rather be doing something else during that time, but my weight is not budging and my clothes do not fit.
I feel stronger when I work out... like despite my size, I could outrun 6 of the 7 people in my row.
We are making a plan to ensure that we have time to rejuvinate ourselves.
We must!

*** Disclaimer--- we would never trade our hectic lives with our kids for NOT having them... but we are allowed to be flustered every now and then.

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