Friday, April 24, 2009

my kids are awesome... lets see how much they like mulch.

Today is supposed to be in the mid 70s and this weekend in the low 80s here in Maryland. AHHH, I can not wait.. I need sun so badly, I am pasty.

Last night we went to Allison's All County Band concert. They were awesome, esp for a middle school band. I am so proud of her for working so hard. Next week they are going to All State, so that should be fun!
The babies did fantastic waiting and listening to the music. It was so close to their bedtime but they did a great job.
Took them and the dog for a 35 minute walk this morning on the trail.. That dumb dog (disclaimer: I love my dog(s)) got all sorts of muddy, and while I knew it was a possibility, it still aggravated me.. now he is smelly! Gotta give him another bath.
So, debating on going to Weigh In tomorrow, since I cancelled my WW membership and it ends next weekend. I ahve been pretty bad at what I have eaten this week... tonight is beer and junk food with my bro in law and hubby.
In other news, my mom got here yesterday for a 5 week visit.. we can use the help and should be fun!

3 yards of mulch is being delivered tomorrow morning... this should be fun!

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