Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hello my name is....

Michelle and I am addicted to blogs. I read around 20 daily, some I even subscribe to twitter to keep up with. There are several that I dont feel complete without reading every day, sometimes twice a day if I am waiting to hear things.
Most of the blogs I read are related to infertility, since we've been there, and loss.

I have another blog that I have kept private, that I used to journal my pregnancy with our twins. It was therapeutic to be able to type everything I was feeling, negative and positive.
Now, I am creating this blog to journal our daily, hectic lives.

I am married to a fantastic husband, Dan. I could not ask for a more loving, understanding husband. He is supportive and truly completes me. And he's cute, so that is a bonus!
We have been married for 3 years, and it is fantastic.
We have 4 children... Kelsey, who is almost 16, Allison, who is 12, and Jake and Annabelle, who are 10 months.

kelsey and Allison are from a previous marriage, but Dan adopted them and they are now Shepherd. They are great kids, always have good grades, and people love them.

Jake and Annabelle are here through the magic of IVF. Long story of secondary infertility, and the struggles and pain that went with it, but that is for another time.
For now, as life usually goes, I must run.
Tonight we have to leave work early, I have to pick up the babies and girls, take Kelsey to her eye dr appointment and Dan is taking the dogs to the vet...

Chaos reigns!!

1 comment:

  1. Perfect chaos!! I love it! Thank you for starting this blog from another blog addictEE!! wootwoot!
