Thursday, April 30, 2009

sick mom

My mom is in the hospital here in maryland.. well, Delaware to be exact, but not in Texas.
She hasn't even been here for a week, well, a week today.
She started getting very sick Monday night, spent all of Tuesday in the ER alone, came home and was still sick.
Dan and I left work yesterday around 1 and I came home and took her to the ER.. they admitted her.
They dont seem to know what is causing her to be so sick, and by so sick I mean vomiting every time she takes a drink of water or eats ice chips.
They looked at her lap band, and deflated that... that is not hte culprit as far as they can tell.
She has alot of gall stones, but her gall bladder is not inflamed, so they are not sure if that is it.
She was very dehydrated, but they have had an IV in since they took her back. She's in a gorgeous room at Christiana, and they seem to be taking good care of her, so that is a relief.
I'm gonna go back up today after Dan gets home to care for the babies.
I hope she gets better!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

First day off the farm

Yesterday was the babies' first full day with Gramma Wendy and Paw-Paw. The grandparents are going to help us by watching the babies one day a week, since our childcare is getting to be so expensive.
The babies did GREAT, from what I hear. I was a nervous wreck all day, and not because I felt like the babies would not be ok.. I was worried that they would drive the grandparents crazy and they would not want to watch them anymore.
According to said grandparents, they did fantastic.. took a couple of good naps and played and ate well.
Whew... what a relief.
We are still trying to hammer out which day of the week they will take them, since our nanny is getting another job on her days off and needs to schedule.

Also, our 5K is next weekend.. I ran/walked a total of 3.3 miles at lunch today... fantastic!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Ahhhhh, reality

The reality of our lives is that we very rarely get 5 minutes to ourselves or 10 minutes just to sit and do nothing.

This hit us last night as we were packing up the babies' bags to spend the day at Gramma Wendy's and PawPaws house today (for the first time). Dan and I had a meltdown of sorts realizing that we are both completely out of shape and out of control when it comes to our eating habits.

Now, I would not trade our lives or our kids for anything, but there is something to be said for a bit of alone time.

From the minute we get up out of bed (and usually before if Annabelle has her way), we are completely devoted to taking care of someone... whether it is our kids, each other, or our clients at work. We never really get a chance to take care of ourselves, except for our lunch hours at work. And the last two weeks, Dan has been so busy that he has not taken a lunch break, which leads to Dan feeling a bit sad.
I told him he MUST take care of himself and make time. My time in the gym is MY time... and I would much rather be doing something else during that time, but my weight is not budging and my clothes do not fit.
I feel stronger when I work out... like despite my size, I could outrun 6 of the 7 people in my row.
We are making a plan to ensure that we have time to rejuvinate ourselves.
We must!

*** Disclaimer--- we would never trade our hectic lives with our kids for NOT having them... but we are allowed to be flustered every now and then.

Friday, April 24, 2009


I wonder if I can update my blog via twitter?

my kids are awesome... lets see how much they like mulch.

Today is supposed to be in the mid 70s and this weekend in the low 80s here in Maryland. AHHH, I can not wait.. I need sun so badly, I am pasty.

Last night we went to Allison's All County Band concert. They were awesome, esp for a middle school band. I am so proud of her for working so hard. Next week they are going to All State, so that should be fun!
The babies did fantastic waiting and listening to the music. It was so close to their bedtime but they did a great job.
Took them and the dog for a 35 minute walk this morning on the trail.. That dumb dog (disclaimer: I love my dog(s)) got all sorts of muddy, and while I knew it was a possibility, it still aggravated me.. now he is smelly! Gotta give him another bath.
So, debating on going to Weigh In tomorrow, since I cancelled my WW membership and it ends next weekend. I ahve been pretty bad at what I have eaten this week... tonight is beer and junk food with my bro in law and hubby.
In other news, my mom got here yesterday for a 5 week visit.. we can use the help and should be fun!

3 yards of mulch is being delivered tomorrow morning... this should be fun!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hello my name is....

Michelle and I am addicted to blogs. I read around 20 daily, some I even subscribe to twitter to keep up with. There are several that I dont feel complete without reading every day, sometimes twice a day if I am waiting to hear things.
Most of the blogs I read are related to infertility, since we've been there, and loss.

I have another blog that I have kept private, that I used to journal my pregnancy with our twins. It was therapeutic to be able to type everything I was feeling, negative and positive.
Now, I am creating this blog to journal our daily, hectic lives.

I am married to a fantastic husband, Dan. I could not ask for a more loving, understanding husband. He is supportive and truly completes me. And he's cute, so that is a bonus!
We have been married for 3 years, and it is fantastic.
We have 4 children... Kelsey, who is almost 16, Allison, who is 12, and Jake and Annabelle, who are 10 months.

kelsey and Allison are from a previous marriage, but Dan adopted them and they are now Shepherd. They are great kids, always have good grades, and people love them.

Jake and Annabelle are here through the magic of IVF. Long story of secondary infertility, and the struggles and pain that went with it, but that is for another time.
For now, as life usually goes, I must run.
Tonight we have to leave work early, I have to pick up the babies and girls, take Kelsey to her eye dr appointment and Dan is taking the dogs to the vet...

Chaos reigns!!